Because the little things matter

Newborn Classes

Bringing a new baby home is an exciting and transformative experience. In our classes, we cover essential information to help you navigate this journey:

  • Basic Baby Care: Learn practical skills for feeding, diapering, and soothing your
    newborn. Weโ€™ll discuss the essentials to ensure your babyโ€™s well-being.
  • Breastfeeding Ideas: We will cover breastfeeding concepts but we encourage you to take the full Breastfeeding Class also.
  • Life Changes: Babies profoundly impact your life. Weโ€™ll explore how parenthood
    reshapes routines, priorities, and relationships.
  • Sleep and Schedules: Understand infant sleep patterns and strategies for promoting
    healthy sleep. Weโ€™ll address common challenges and offer guidance.
  • Class Details:
    • Duration: Usually 2-3 hours
    • Schedule: Weeknights or Saturday mornings
    • Contact us for more information
  • Private Classes: If you prefer personalized instruction, private classes are available.
    Contact us for more information.

Remember, while you canโ€™t fully predict every aspect of parenting, being informed and prepared will help you feel more confident as you welcome your little one into the world!